Unia Europejska
Unia Europejska

x-Inno Radar

Boosting industrial transition by activating soft innovation skills and stimulating pioneer spirit

Industrial regions in central Europe are amidst a heavy transformation of their economic and social base. 

It is especially the non-metropolitan regions who must change profoundly in response to global economic trends, political demands, and structural disadvantages. 

The X-Inno Radar project increases their agility and innovativeness by strengthening soft skills. The partners jointly apply a new place-based approach, which centers around transversal skills, maker skills, and pioneer skills. 

After regional screenings and a conceptualisation phase, they pilot novel approaches for strengthening and expanding soft skills capacities. Key findings are then transferred to relevant stakeholders throughout Europe.

Project implementation period: June 1, 2024 – February 27, 2027

Project partners:

  • Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Niemcy – partner wiodący (www.leibniz-ifl.de)
  • Creative Region Linz& Upper Austria Gmbh, Austria (creativeregion.org)
  • The Regional Chamber of Commerce of the Karlovy Vary Region, Czechy (www.khkkk.cz)
  • Padova Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, Włochy (www.pd.camcom.it)
  • Creative Industry Košice, n. o. – Słowacja (www.cike.sk)
  • BSC, Business support centre, ltd., Kranj – Słowenia (www.bsc-kranj.si)
  • Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w Bielsku-Biała - Polska
  • Stebo Competence Centre Community Development – Belgia (www.stebo.be)
  • Otelo Cooperative – Austria (www.oteloegen.at)
  • Association of Cultural and Creative Industries Chemnitz and Region – Niemcy (www.kreatives-chemnitz.de)

Project website: https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/x-inno-radar 

The project is co-funded under the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE program. 
Total project budget: €2.38 million - ERDF funding: 80%